Esta es la primer parte de dos que forman las piernas, es una pieza simple unida en dos mitades simétricas y también es simétrica para la pierna derecha como la izquierda por lo tanto hay que imprimir dos juegos para armar el par.
El hueco que quedara en la parte superior será para pegar a la rodilla.
This one is the first report of two that form the legs, is a simple piece joined in two symmetrical halves and also it is symmetrical for the right leg as the left side therefore it is necessary to stamp two copys to make the couple.
The hollow that was staying in the top part will be to stick to the knee.
El hueco que quedara en la parte superior será para pegar a la rodilla.
This one is the first report of two that form the legs, is a simple piece joined in two symmetrical halves and also it is symmetrical for the right leg as the left side therefore it is necessary to stamp two copys to make the couple.
The hollow that was staying in the top part will be to stick to the knee.
hola es posble que me puedas pasar el paswor para hacerla en tamaño 1:1 desde ya gracias y disculpas las molestias
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