Esta es la segunda y ultima parte del cuerpo, también verán dos cilindros blancos, uno grande que se pega en la parte superior de la cintura y encastra en la parte inferior del cuerpo y el otro mas chico para pegar encima del cuerpo donde encastrara la cabeza.
Es posible que algunas piezas encajen muy justas, esto es debido al espesor o gramaje del papel que usemos, les recomendaría entre 160-180g y hacer bien firmes los pliegues de las aletas sobretodo.
This one is the second one and finalizes part of the body, also you will see two white cylinders, one big that sticks in the top part of the waist and boy joind in the low part of the body and another to stick on the body where it will join the head.
It is possible that some pieces fit very jousts, this is due to the thickness or weight of the paper that we use, it would recommend them between 160-180g and the folds of the fins make overcoat firm well.
Es posible que algunas piezas encajen muy justas, esto es debido al espesor o gramaje del papel que usemos, les recomendaría entre 160-180g y hacer bien firmes los pliegues de las aletas sobretodo.
This one is the second one and finalizes part of the body, also you will see two white cylinders, one big that sticks in the top part of the waist and boy joind in the low part of the body and another to stick on the body where it will join the head.
It is possible that some pieces fit very jousts, this is due to the thickness or weight of the paper that we use, it would recommend them between 160-180g and the folds of the fins make overcoat firm well.
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